Tuesday, June 25, 2013

35 Pound Gone Forever, Thanks to Plexus Slim.!

5 months after beginning Plexus
From 315 lbs to 280 lbs

I have officially passed my all time "peak" weight loss amount. In all my years of trying desperately to slim down, the most I have ever been able to lose was 30 pounds. FINALLY, thanks to Plexus Slim, I have surpassed that amount with 35 pounds GONE and I am still shrinking! I won't lie, my progress has slowed down, however, progress is progress. Slow and steady wins the race and I am finally in front of the pack!

In the past 2 months I have added Plexus BioCleanse and ProBio5 to my regime and they have seemed to help me break through my plateau. Plexus recommends that everyone who has trouble with weight loss, do a simple saliva test to see if they have  Candida yeast overgrowth in their body which may be causing the slow or lack of weight loss along with many other symptoms. I did the test and needless to say, I did test positive which is why I decided to begin taking ProBio5.

I have been slacking on photos the past couple of months, but here is my most recent "progress shot" from early June.  Can you see the difference?  I sure can! I feel awesome and am now beginning to get compliments that I am "looking good"!   You have no idea what that does for my self esteem not to mention my willpower!   Every time someone mentions my weight loss, I can not help but grin to from ear to ear and think to myself.."You just wait a few more months and see how AWESOME I will be looking!"


Do you have questions about or need help with Plexus Products?
E-mail me for help.

Next Post - Why become a Plexus Ambassador?

Until Then ~ Happy Plexing!  ~K.L.M

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Happiness is....

Happiness is taking a pair of pants out of the "someday I will fit into it again" box and finding out that "someday" has arrived! 

When you have nearly a whole other person in weight to lose, 22 pounds is a mere grain of rice in the box. You look in the mirror and although you know you have lost weight and inches because the stats say so, you just can't see it with your own eyes. That's why fitting into something that was once to small is such an elating feeling! I never thought I would wear those pants again and I don't know why I even decided to try them on, but YIPPEE SKIPPY!  I am so darn happy I did!   It's little things like this that gives me encouragement when things start to feel like they are "stalling".

Officially I can say thanks to Plexus Slim and Accelerator I am not only down 22 pounds, I am 1 pants size smaller and nearly 2 shirt sizes smaller! 

Happiness is.. trying Plexus Products and seeing fantastic results!

Please do check back in for my 3 month results!  Until then... Happy Plexing!

Plexus Slim Month 2 Update! 22 lbs GONE!

February was rough for me. Maybe it was the mid-winter blah's, but I just could not find the motivation to do anything at all. I stepped on the scale several times a week and that dial was just NOT moving. Somehow I found the courage to get out the tape measure just out of curiosity.
Much to my amazement, I WAS indeed making progress. 1 inch lost on each of my bust, hips and shoulders plus 1 inch off of each thigh and and lower arm. That was all the encouragement I needed.
I refused to call February a loss and kept on faithfully chugging the "pink drink"!

The next 2 weeks saw even more results. Since starting Plexus Slim on Jan 2, I had lost 22 pounds and 33 inches overall.  Could this be the "miracle" I have been searching for for years?

Only time will tell... On to Month 3. I set a goal of 10 lbs per month for the first 5 months, and so far I am slightly ahead of my target.  Until next time.. Happy Plexing!

I Have Noted Other Benefits of Plexus Slim Too.

The weightloss is awesome, but that's not the only benefit I am seeing. Prior to Plexus, I would go to bed at 11pm, wake up at 2am, watch TV til 3 or 4 am, go back to bed until 7. Now I still go to bed at 11, and sleep soundly all night (except for a bathroom trip). I have a degenerating sacroiliac, which causes me to have back aches all night and first think in the morning. I no longer have those aches. My energy level is higher than it's been in a looong time. Lastly, this may be just a coincidence, but for the past 5-6 Years I have always been sick (colds, sinus infections etc) for 10-12 days in Jan/Feb. NOT this year (knock on wood) My 4 year old daugher was sick for nearly an entire month this past Jan/Feb, my husband was sick for a week, we shared drinks, pillows,hugs, kisses etc.. and I have not even has a sniffle!  AMAZING!

My First Month's Results With Plexus Slim.

I have tried nearly every diet out there (Weight Watchers, Ideal Protein, Wonder Slim, 6WBMO etc) with very little success. I have also tried a select few dietary aids (green tea, acia, green coffee extract to name a few). I am skeptical about everything "diet" related, but after doing some research and talking to my friend, (who is a Plexus Ambassador) about her personal results with Plexus products, I decided to give it a try. 

In early November, I tried a 7 day sample pack and lost 4 lbs in that 7 days. I took some time to decide if it was something I wanted to spend extra money on and after Christmas ordered my first  30 day supply.  The average cost of Plexus Slim with Accelerator is a little less than $3.00 per day. If it worked for me, it was way less than the cost of a gym membership, personal trainer, buying pre-packaged "plan food" or other dietary supplement that I might take.
On Jan 2, I started the Pink Drink weighing 306 (told you I was thick). February 2, 4 weeks later I weighed 291. That's 15 pounds lost in 4 weeks with very little effort! Aside from the weight loss I had also 2 inches of each my waist, bust, hips and shoulders plus inches off my thighs, calves, upper and lower arms.  I felt great and in turn purchased my next 30 day supply of Plexus Slim with Accelerator.

It's difficult to visualize what losing 15 lbs and 17 inches looks like. So here's a visual of how it looks on my 5'5" frame.  I still have a long way to go, but this is so encouraging, I will NOT stop.

Let's see what results I had in the next 4 weeks....until then, Happy Plexing!